Compression molding is one of many techniques related to the cast molding process. The only difference between the two is that compression molding requires compressive forces, usually in the form of… read more
Some leak tests require high temperatures depending on the product being tested. This can be particularly challenging as many synthetic materials, like thermoplastics and rubbers, are highly… read more
Polyurethanes have become increasingly popular over traditional materials like metals and rubbers, especially for the fitness and recreational industry. Due to their unique chemistry, polyurethanes… read more
Helium is a commonly used leak test gas because its small, lightweight molecules can easily detect the tiniest leaks. In addition, helium is inert and more environmentally friendly than some… read more
Rubber and polyurethane are two types of materials that are commonly employed in leak test seals. While there are many formulations to choose from within these two polymers, each material has its… read more